The idea of Odoguma started with 2 of us while training casually over at the very accommodating venue of Ambrose Archery range in Heidelberg Heights around early-2020, the exact date long forgotten. As the pandemic was announced, the thought was put on hold while Melbourne settled in for long periods of lockdowns. When the restrictions relaxed mid to late-2020, 3 more joined us to make 5 as we started to plan for our own club.
This comes with many challenges, one of which is venue. We soon found home with North Melbourne Community Centre with close access to bus, tram and train nearby. The court only allowed up to 20m shooting, but it was a great starting point. We ran 5 introductory courses here and welcomed many new members through. We experienced a great growth that is (happily) unexpected, but after less than 2 years we found that we were outgrowing our first dojo.
Thankfully, we landed a new venue at North Melbourne Recreation Centre. OKM is excited to announce that we've moved to NMRC from November 2023! NMCC will always hold a special place in our hearts for being the first venue we trained in. We are now able to shoot the full 28m with taihai in a bright and airy space with plenty of room for our members.
Looking forward to training, and hope to see everyone there!